Photo & Video Contest EVOLMAR 2023
Look and think before opening the shutter. The heart and mind are the true lens of the camera (Yousuf Karsh)
This photo contest has been set up as part of the second virtual Italian Congress of Marine Evolution – EVOLMAR. To participate you can send photographs, underwater and/or produced in the laboratory and/or a video which depict or are representative of an aspect of Marine Evolution.
Special prizes or awards are reserved for the best picture, for the best video and for the best photos in both categories.
1 - Marine Evolution underwater
2 - Marine Evolution in the laboratory
1 - Every aspect of Marine Evolution in a creative r-Evolutionary way
Best of show: 150 EUR voucher to be spent at Isotecnic – ISOTTA + Cover Image of the Book of Abstracts
1st Place Underwater: 100 EUR voucher to be spent at Isotecnic – ISOTTA
1st Place Laboratory: 100 EUR voucher to be spent at Isotecnic – ISOTTA
Best Video: 150 EUR voucher to be spent at Isotecnic – ISOTTA
JURY: Michele Solca – President of jury Marco Colombo – Naturalist, photographer and science communicator Gabriella Luongo – Marine biologist and awarded photographer

Michele Solca
President of jury (
Naturalist photographer and scientific communicator, testimonial for Isotta Housings, brand ambassador Scubalandia and collaborator of photographic and scientific magazines, Michele Solca is a technical diver with experience in scientific and photographic diving in oceans and seas across the world, with a marked preference for the Mediterranean Sea.
Awarded several times in national and international underwater photography competition, he would like to spread – in his lectures about biological underwater photography and through his pictures – his photography's mantra: Love - Learn - Respect – Protect. He believe that taking and sharing photos that enhance the Underwater World arose a Love for the Sea that could naturally convey the desire to Learn about it and, therefore, to Respect and Protect it.

Marco Colombo
Naturalist, photographer and science communicator (
Environmental guide, scubadiving master and TV scientific consultant, he is graduated in Natural Sciences; his photographs and articles have been published on several magazines, such as National Geographic (Italy) BBC Wildlife, Nat'Images, Unterwasser, Focus Wild, Naturfoto, Ezdive e Ocean Geographic. He has published many books about biodiversity and conservation issues.
Regularly involved in lectures on biology and photography, he exposed his shots in exhibitions all around Italy and Europe. In 2007 he discovered a new spider species in Sardinia. Many of his shots received awards in main competitions as Asferico, GDT European Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Festival Mondial de l'Image Sous-Marine and Wildlife Photographer of the Year (category winner in 2011-2016-2018). He teaches in Communication Master in Insubria University, and thinks curiosity, creativity and respect should drive photographers in their works. More on

Gabriella Luongo
Marine Biologist
PhD in Marine Biology and Ecology. Her research work aims at studying how deep-sea benthic microbes are influenced by the ongoing climate change and direct anthropogenic impacts, such as deep-sea mining of polymetallic nodules, by exploring shifts in sedimentary trophic resources, microbial community composition and in virus-host dynamics. Scientific divers with experience in many oceanographic cruises and underwater field activities.
As a naturalist underwater photographer, she is passionate about marine life from the smallest creatures to the pelagic giants. Special attention is dedicated during her photographic work to investigating how underwater creatures are affected by human activities and how the increasing anthropogenic pressures in coastal waters are affecting these delicate underwater ecosystems.
If you have any questions about Photo Contest, please contact